"There is scarce a king in a hundred who would not, if he could, follow the example of Pharaoh—get first all the people’s money, then all their lands,
and then make them and their children servants for ever."
-Ben Franklin
"Dangers of a Salaried Bureaucracy" 1787


Note: This is a collection of links that will attempt to elucidate the history of the takeover of the American economy and government by monied interests. If a careful student reads just a few of these works, they can begin to see the pattern that has emerged in every generation of Americans of these monied interests either trying to take control or keep control of every human being that they possibly can.

This list will be updated periodically.


The Coming Battle: A Complete History of the National Banking Money Power in the United States, 1899.

"The issue between these banks and the people will be joined in the near future, and the greatest struggle the world ever witnessed will take place between the usurping banks on the one hand and the people on the other.

In the nature of things, unjustly acquired power of man over man generally rises to such heights of arrogance as to eventually create a public opinion that will grind tyranny of every form to atoms, hence, The Coming Battle that will surely take place in the near future and the victory that will be won by justice will be the noblest events in American history."


Very pleased we have entered into relations again with American Government-Rothschilds, 1878 "This agreement entered into this eighth day of February, 1895, between the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, of the first part, and Messrs. August Belmont and Company, of New York, on behalf of Messrs. N. M. Rothschild and Sons, of London, England, and themselves, and Messrs. J. P. Morgan and Company, of New York, on behalf of Messrs. J. S. Morgan and Company, of London, and themselves, parties of the second part."


The old slavery and the new: this sermon was delivered on Memorial Sunday, May 24, 1896, in the Church of the Unitarian Society of Rockland, Mass by Frederic O. MacCartney - "I have taken for my subject: "The Old Slavery and the New." The old slavery, the Slave Power which you veterans, providentially aided in overthrowing, with its injustice, its tyrannies, its violation of the humanities, its attempt to disrupt the union and destroy the Nation, is known to history. There is a new slavery threatening the liberties of a great people, portentious in its effects on the institutions which were founded in sacrifice and saved through blood. The new slavery is in the final stages of its maturity, the result of the domination of Mammon, an organized system of monopoly, a tyranny of wealth. There are those who doubt or who do not realize the fact of this new slavery. I desire then before entering upon the sermon proper to lay a foundation in facts. Then I desire in the dissertation, to treat the parallelisms and contrasts between the old and this new slavery. Let us proceed at once to lay this foundation."


Wealth Against Commonwealth By Henry Demarest Lloyd, 1894 - Classic work detailing Rockefeller manipulations, amongst other things.


U.S. Money Vs. Corporation Currency, "Aldrich Plan." By Alfred Owen Crozier, 1912 - Good warning about Federal Reserve right before it came into existence.


Money and civilization: or, A history of the monetary laws and systems of various states since the dark ages, and their influence upon civilization (1886) By Alexander Del Mar. One of the greatest American monetary historians that ever lived. He believed in silver for the people as he saw gold as the power that laid waste to the earth. He was the first statistician hired by the US government.


Shelling Out -- The Origins of Money by Nick Szabos, 2005. Probably the only "new" link I'll put here.
